In Conversation With Ganpat Banthia
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Ganpat Banthia

We all know life is full of challenges and hustles but it is the way you take it you make it tug of war and challenge it or do it with peace harmony and containment both the ways aren’t wrong but the one for whom we will be discussing about today believes that we really face ourselves and have to overcome our doubts, fears, limitations.
Often there are times when things feel hard ‘in the moment’ (for however long it takes for the situation to be resolved) but a relief, happiness and sense of accomplishment follows once you’ve pivoted. When it comes to serve the public, you have to be a problem solver, and often wear many hats, especially at the beginning of the journey.
It’s easy to try and continue doing everything yourself until it becomes really hard as its not sustainable. It’s important to ask for help when you need it and surround yourself with supportive people and healthy environment with is optimistic and ever moving mind set we have Mr. Ganpat Banthia, born in balotra working as a social activist, politician and a business man in balotra.
During his political & social carrier Ganpat banthia has worked as executive member in Bhartiya janta party (Rajasthan) , chairman of ITI college ( siwana) , chairman of “shri champalal banthia charitable trust ( an NGO) ,secretary of CEPT trust & laghu Udyog Mandal ( balotra ) , president laghu Udyog prakost jodhpur region , vice president business cell of Bhartiya janta party Rajasthan , founder member of laghu Udyog Bharati , balotra .
During his business carrier he has worked in diversified industries like medical, Cosmetics, manufacturing of cement allied products and Electric transformers but after all this thing if he and really achieved something big then it is the experience which have made Mr. Ganpat harmonious, intellectual and social.
Well this is quite confusing with so many expirences how did he finally decide what to do and how ? well answered by him “I wasn’t quite sure what exactly was I was going to end up doing. I definitely had a passion for social services and to serve the people, I also enjoyed trying new things so I could continue learning and growing. So, I just tried many different things, worked in various NGOs and business that fascinated me and also challenged me at the same time.
All of those experiences showed me what I did enjoy doing and what was not for me. They also taught me a lot and led me to where I am today” which indeed gave us a deep lesson All experience is an arch wherethro’ gleams that untraveled world whose margins fade forever and forever as we move.