How will you Introduce Yourself to the world?
I would love to introduce myself as a wonted human being, trying her level best to become the 'first'
Soumita Saha and not 'next ' someone.
From EDM to Tagore Music, tell us how do you manage such difference in genre
I think versatility cones from within. You just don't need to nurture occlusion. You are inclined towards something classic like Tagore Geet or Indian Classical music barely means you got to impede yourself from falling in love with EDM. To perform both with ease, the base need to be strong. Indian classical music worked for me.
How do you balance time for Music and Art?
Music and Art are like half-siblings. You know, when you listen to music you almost touch art but not fully. When you visualise a piece of art, you listen to a music it is meant to convey, you almost hear it but can't execute. That's the unconventional beauty that bridges music with art. When I sing a song, I have a picture painted to explore it's depth. When someone listens to the song, the picture he/she paints may be different. That's how it works. Therefore, it is not difficult to balance.

Tell us about your motivation to choose this journey
I grew up in musical habitat. Performing arts never was an alienated concept at my place. My parents and their friends are all associated with some form of art. Thus, motivation and guidance came my way easily. My jaunt is not exactly as easy as it appears overall. We live in our ancestral property, the entire clan is settled inside the same compound. My grandfather and the entire gens were associated with garments business. All other men in the family pursued the same business other than my father. Unfortunately they couldn't make it big and narrowness started dwelling in their mentality unlike my grandfather. It takes a lot to walk against the tide.Therefore judgement came my father's way, and came my way too. I slowly learnt how to gather all the demotivating incidents and motivated myself.
What was your initial challenges in choosing this journey ?
I studied Architecture, having taken Music as profession the first thing I got to hear from non-professional circuit was ' did you not get a job? '.In my professional circle also I faced judgement as well. I have always prioritised quality content over money. I used get judged and got to hear " People like you have a back option as profession, so money barely matters to u guys". Honestly none of these demotivated me. Another big challange I faced is because I am a woman. " It's easier for woman to get success" some people used to utter such stuff out of jealousy. The funniest part is you can't be honest about being single. Once you confessed that you ain't dating anybody. Your name gets linked with every guy you hang around. Specially guys in your industry.
Where do you want to see yourself in next 5 years ?
Well, may be driving the most expensive car in the country.( Laughs ) Just kidding. I am not a materialist. The only thing I believe in is good work. In next five years I want come up with more and more memorable work.
Please share your learning for our learners
First thing is stop accepting " you are the next x,y,z" as compliment. You are an artist, no one can influence mentality of your audience better than you.
Work hard, ignore the 'de' in motivation. Listen to your heart, your mind will learn to coordinate. Don't let any human estimate your worth.