Ruminating Frida" : tribute to Frida Kahlo on her 114th Birth Anniversary
Soumita Saha is popular singer and painter. Her art work not only gets Exhibited in different cities in India but also Exhibited abroad. Her art work was displayed at Portland's Artreach Gallery on November 2020. Ruminating Frida starts on Frida's Birth Anniversary 6th July 2021 and shall continue till 13th July 2021 her Death Anniversary

Ruminating Frida is a Virtual Solo Exhibition by Soumita because of covid situation. Due to the pandemic situation the Exhibition is kept Virtual. The iconic Mexican painter turns Soumita's Muse. Frida can be seen in different art form coruscating Soumita's canvas. Soumita who is quite vocal about being an ardent Frida Fan says " Frida taught us self-love and acceptance, this is evident in her self-image portraits where she sports a unibrow as well as a moustache. Such an image does not conform to a patriarchal society’s image of a woman who has perfectly shaped eyebrows and definitely no moustache. She preached the beauty of Aberrant. I have seen painters who are epitome of perfection but very few are brilliant painter of themselves, things that came to their mind and portraying pain and Aberrant things beautifully."
Soumita Saha is popular singer and painter. Her art work not only gets Exhibited in different cities in India but also Exhibited abroad. Her art work was displayed at Portland's Artreach Gallery on November 2020. Ruminating Frida starts on Frida's Birth Anniversary 6th July 2021 and shall continue till 13th July 2021 her Death Anniversary