Singer Soumita Saha touched netizen's heart with her covid awareness message

The COVID-19 pandemic has now risen to a global health crisis across the globe
. This novel virus outbreak has challenged India’s economic, medical
and public health infrastructure. India has been consistently reporting more
than 150,000 cases for days now. It reported 273,810 cases on Monday - the
biggest daily spike since the pandemic began. Badly-affected cities like Delhi,
Mumbai and Ahmedabad have almost run out of hospital beds. The situation
of West Bengal is turning worse as well. Meanwhile, International singing
sensation Soumita Saha touched netizen's heart having shared a message of
love, harmony and compassion.
Soumita writes " Let us normalise a couple
of things. There's nothing as such called 'I live alone, I need not care about
the society' . Trust me none of us live alone we're all dependent on our
associates, maids, gas cylinder supplier,news paper man, grocery shop keep,
delivery executives , security person and so on. Now that the covid situation
is turning worse the mentality that says ' I am maintaining safety, my family,
employer and employees are maintaining so, therefore I don't need to pay
attention to the society.
What my neighbour does is completely their headache.' No it's not,
if we don't take care of each and everyone around us if we do not
promote awareness and influence people to maintain covid measures
we cannot
stop covid from spreading more. None of us are invincible, none
of us are immune. Viruses don't discriminate, love shouldn't either.
Wear your mask, use sanitizer influence everyone to do the same.
Stay home. Take care of each other.
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