Ayush Kothari Talks About His Journey & New Book

Tell something about yourself to our readers.
I am a 25-year-old accountant by profession, a western singer, and an entrepreneur. I have always been mesmerized by studies related to quantum physics and theories such as the law of attraction and the power of the subconscious mind. I also enjoy helping people solve their relationship problems and intend in becoming a life coach and a relationship expert in the future. I was first introduced to this law by the movie “the secret”, and since then, it has been about 10 years of practice. All this while, I have realized a lot of inferences on this law that I have tried to share in the book.
When did you realize, you should be an author and was there any problem in convincing parents for this career.
Well, becoming an author was never a calculated decision for me as I never intended to pursue my career in this field of artwork. I see myself as a voracious reader and over time, I managed to gather plenty of ideas to write something of my own. I initially began with writing quotes and poems and I used to show them to my friends for feedback. They often appreciated my creative imagination skills and suggested me to do something bigger in the area of writing. I took it as an inspiration and began writing the first page of the book and slowly, I got carried away with this interest. In about a year or so, I finished the entire book and send it to my publishers for review
I never had to convince my parents for this career because I didn’t take up writing full-time. I just had a bunch of thoughts and ideas waiting to be given a form of a book. I wrote for a few hours a day while carrying with the regular day-to-day activities, and had a firm determination to finish the book in a year, and luckily, I was able to do that.
Tell us something more about the book.
The “Smorgasbord of success” is a beautiful culmination of different elements needed to live a guaranteed successful life. This book is a result of my tireless research on the lives of many super successful individuals who practically have fetched results with the application of these elements. It talks about the power of your true self, perspective changes, the importance of time investment, practical money-making strategies plus with the help of mindset changing, the power of the subconscious mind, the law of attraction, derivation of unlimited happiness, and establishing the most impactful connections with people. In short, this book is a one-stop solution to all the different complexities of life to help you make a buffet of success. The best part is that I have practically applied all these elements into my life and seen quantifiable results.
What is your plan ahead?
I plan to establish myself as a life coach and help people by being a source of light and inspiration for them.
What would you like to advise to students who wish to be an author?
My advice to all young/first-time writers would be to never be skeptical about your intentions to contribute to society positively. If you think your ideas are worth sharing and can affect people in large masses, just write them down somewhere and construct ideas around them to make them easily understandable. Incorporating short fictional stories and giving examples work a lot, so never miss on them. In this era of digitalization, you will find plenty of proofreading apps, so keep writing with conviction and also don’t worry about the style. Every author has their own unique style. Finally, keep writing. You will encounter times when you will feel like giving up, but just keep adding layers to your mistakes and continue learning. The more you learn from your mistakes, the better are the chances of becoming a great writer.