Pramod Kumar - Founder CESRAN

A Market Research professional & management graduate in marketing with over 30 + years of experience in MR Industry, working over many leading agencies of India in different capacity in multiple locations ranging from South, west and North India. Exceptional strengths in streamlining work systems and processes across diverse functional regimes to realize targeted performance milestones. Area of specialization is Market Research – operations Execution, Quality Control and Training. An effective communicator with strong analytical, interpersonal, problem solving skills
A keen performer with capacity to achieve strong results through a combination of strategic capability, creativity, solid operational grounding, interpersonal skills and commitment levels.
Prior to starting entrepreneurship at CESRAN, Pramod has Worked at Intage and Ipsos as National Operations Controller over 15 years and many other organizations as Regional Managers and executive.
Pramod’s key strengths includes - Cost effective Field execution, Training and mentoring, Quality control system, flow less reporting system, budgeting, Man power management, wide range of project exposure, handy to guide research team on operational aspects of MR Projects, Vendor management, Data Viewing, Format developments as per need, sampling, project Management and lastly a pro active team leader, who believe in team work & lead from front.
What is the problem that start up is solving?
We are Market Research agency, who work as a bridge between company and consumers. We identify the consumer need and existing issues with products and services and address in systematic manner to company to give solution to make user friendly products.
Other way around we helping society with innovative and meaningful products by taking their insights about product and services. If MR agencies like us will not exits in market then probably consumer has to live with their problem and company may not have ideas on what and where innovation is needed in their existing or newly launched product and services.
How does your start up propose to solve this problem?
We conduct scientific survey among mass consumers with prescribed set of questions to understand consumer needs. We go door to door to meet consumers not only in urban areas but deep rural areas and meet consumer individually and take their feedback about product and services they using or impression about product to consumer mind set on product, usage & attitude, Benefits and reason of Product and services, right pricing, labelling of products, effectiveness of advertisement etc.
Post taking consumer feedback we analysis the data, where individual identification is not disclosed though we give equal representation of population, gender, age group etc to understand consumer choice / preference, which later shared to our client to whom we are carrying Market Research survey.
We also conduct social survey taking core issues of society, political survey like opinion poll, exit poll, agriculture survey by using different methodology for media group – Print and electronic both.
What is uniqueness of your solution?
First and fore most we have well experienced team who has diversified project knowledge of market Research.
To maintain correctness of data we captured, we are heavily dependent of technology like all data is captured either on tablets or laptops, all equipment are internet enable, which give us to track or field worker through GPS tracking, data can be synced from any where within no time for fast delivery and data security.
We have good penetration in rural India, where we have team placed in district level towns to avoid travel time, language barrier and cost effective for clients.
We have independent Quality control team, who ensures each consumer data we get are 100% certified before we consider the data for analysis to give genuine feed back to our client to take any mammoth decision for their business verticals.
Whats your take on segmented / targeted market?
In India mainly and preliminary, most of the Market Research agency target the urban Market as this market has good and reoccurring business hence rural market are either untouched or if at all they take up, don’t do justice with data they collect due to unforeseen barriers like – unskilled field force, language barrier, travelling difficulties and low productivity due to rural travel.
Our focus is to capture the rural market, with localize field force to eliminate the above said existing barriers.
Why I decided to start up this business?
Being in this MR Field since last 30 years, I have observed many practical challenges at grass root level as Operations Person and no existing organization is really trying to solve the grass root issues, which is key area of Market Research, from where we get the data to take any decision. Ironically, currently most of the MR agencies are more focused towards making money without bothering about data quality.
“Garbage in garbage out”
My sincere effort is to curb the persisting issues of data collections, which people like me found and understood after working 30 years in MR industry. While working with any organisations I was not having free hand to do so hence its my turn to give back to industry, who has given me a lot by suppling quality data.
Where do I want to see myself after 5 years?
A typical interview questions of junior level position, which really yield nothing even you wanted to a phycology test of a candidate.
Keeping true to myself, the candid motto to start an entrepreneurship to make money, what I could not do while working an employee and using my experience to give a track to MR industry, where clients trust our data quality.
“No technology will give you data worthiness unless and until there is human touch.”