Weekly Tarotoscope - March 26 - April 1, 2023
This article is contributed by Vaibhavi Anupra

Weekly Tarotoscope
Aries (March 21 to April 20): This week will be full of transformations particularly in the field of relationships. Important decisios related to love life will be made. If you are confused in your lovelife, you will find the pathways ahead in this week. You will possibly network with your friends and family members, celebrate with them. This week will bring joy, happiness and fulfilment.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20): This week brings new career opportunities towards you. If you are hurt or disappointed about losing any career opportunity in the past ,then possibly universe is going to give you one more chance to grab it again. You are going to explore many options this week leaving you confused. Focus and dedication is key to success this week. If you feel stuck or stagnant in your life. coming week will be full of forward moments. You can also feel lonely at times so meditation is important.
Gemini (May 21 to June 21): Meeting with important people in your life is seen in this week. You can also meet some old friend or a person with whom you were in relationship in the past. A new project in your job or new idea at work place is likely to come. The week will be full of financial stability and your earnings are likely to increase. Avoid getting involved in any kind of ego conflicts with people.
Cancer (June 22 to July 22): If you have been thinking a lot or having stress about some important issues of your life this week is bringing lot of relaxation and rejuvenaton. Some of you may start a new project in career which will actually make you feel very powerful inside. You are going to regain your lost enthusiasm. Health is going to improve for many, if you are facing from any health issues you are possibly likely to recover.
Leo (July 23 to August 23): Big transformations in your love life or relationships are likely to come this week. If you have been thinking a lot about someone you feel attracted to you, this week is going to make your connection strong. You are likely to get new career opportunity in your life. The ideas that you are putting in your business or job are likely to manifest this week. Overall this week will bring huge transformation in your love life or relationship.
Virgo (August 24 to September 23): You will be taking important decisions in your life this week. If there are some issues in your finances or career that you feel stuck on , this week will bring you lot of transitions in your work . You are going to take major decisions in your career which will fill you with lot of joy, happiness and excitement. You may get new exciting project at your workplace making you feel victorious. Some of you may do something that you will feel is your life purpose.
Libra (September 24 to October 23): If you are single someone new is entering in your love life or if you are looking for a happy committed relationship this week is going to create a strong foundation for your destined relationships. It may also happen by unexpectedly. You may also have verbal argument or conflict with someone you were in relationship in the past leaving you with the feeling of being defeated. But week will end in happy and wishful partnership in both relationship and career.
Scorpio (October 24 to November 22): The week will bring lot of financial and material changes in your life. If you feel stuck in your career and you feel your efforts are not being reciprocated well,you are going to get the benefits of the hardwork that have done in the past. This week will release all negativity and negative emotions inside you. Overall the week will prove very successful and bring financial stability for you.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21): The week will bring lot of higher learning in field of spirituality. This week will make you wise and knowledgeable in your field. If you have felt yourself hurt or stuck in your past situation. This week will actually heal you and will make you feel powerful and strong. Your life will be full of happiness and abundance, you also may like to have comfortable life this week. At times you also may feel nostalgic about something about the past. Divine support is with you this week.
Capricorn (December 22 to January 21): This week will bring lot of material abundance in your life. If you have been working hard on your goals of career this week is going to make you feel very very successful. You will be known among your colleagues or the people with whom you are surrounded . You may also get lots options in your career and you may find difficulty in choosing which option is better than the other. Your intuition is also likely to increase this week. So you are guided to meditate and heal yourself. Think twice before taking any major decisions in your life. This week will be full of success and victory.
Aquarius (22 Jan-19 Feb)- The week is going to bring you lot of new beginning in your career .You are going to get new ideas in your in the projects that you are already working in. You may also likely to think of starting something on your own. If you are looking to communicate with someone you were in relationship or with someone you are not in contact now possibly new communication is on the way. Some of you can reconcile with old relationship partners. Obstacles will be removed, opportunities will come making you feel very blessed , happy and abundant by the end of this week.
Pisces (February 20 to March 20): This is a very bright week for you. Universe will shower lot of blessings to you as it is the divine timing for you. You can possibly network with many of the people, new friends. You can spend lot of time with friends and family circles. If you are not feeling good in your current job, this week is going to make the work environment very happy and joyous . If you are stuck on particular wish that you want to be fulfil, this week is coming with divine timing of wish fulfilment. Intuition is likely to strong this week. This week is full of achievements and abundance.