Women's Day Through Eye of Women Leaders of Rizzle

Women have careers that are rife with glass ceilings, stereotypical binds, and familial orthodoxy. To add to that, with a country and culture that naturally puts domestic responsibilities on women, subliminal biases that automatically assume that women have less time to work, and a pandemic that disproportionately hit women, questions such as can we really achieve equality come to mind.
Despite all of that, female leaders are now more tenacious than ever. Women have been actively championing technology that will not only enable other women but also empower them. And that makes all the difference. Take our app example- majority of our creators are women! That's because we are working towards creating a safe and positive community for everyone, especially females, and empowering them with a platform to be vocal. Summing it up, innovation, continuous development, having an identity, and rising above all of society's prejudices are crucial for every female entrepreneur to succeed.
- By Vidya Narayanan (CEO & Co-founder of Rizzle)
Women can achieve anything if they want to. We are hardworking, creative, and driven to make our mark. Every day is a stimulating experience as I juggle between being a mother to a toddler and the Marketing Head of India's leading short videos app. To all the women out there be brave and seize the day!
- Sapna Patel (Marketing Head, Rizzle)
Navigating & leading a brilliant team of engineers has been a very interesting journey so far. I take tough calls and important business decisions on a day-to-day basis. I need to be the kind of woman who makes others want to up their game. To all the female leaders out there breaking free of the shackles imposed by society, you go girl!
- Sana Afreen (Program Manager, Rizzle)