Morning Lazziness and it's Journey from a blog to an online magazine

How Morning Lazziness turned from blogging to health, relationship, business & leadership guide during CoVid?
Where there's a will there's a way is a proverb that means if someone is determined to do something, he/she will find a way to accomplish it regardless of obstacles.
The above proverb is well suited for Shruti Sood or you can say, Shruti made the above saying true with her sheer determination & consistent hard work.
In 2020, when the whole world was suffering in the pain of the COVID 19 Pandemic, after losing her job, Shruti was exploring her way - way of positivity, a ray of hope, for herself and for the rest of the world.
Recently, I have got a brief time to discuss with Shruti regarding her journey to start her blogging journey with Morning Lazziness and how she converted her blog into a guide for relationship, health, food, fashion, arts, leadership, entrepreneurship, etc. and how she has grown up her sole journey as a writer to 500+ writers. Let’s walk along to know her journey better:
- Tell us about you and how you founded Morning Lazziness
Shruti: I always wanted to contribute something to society. In this digital era, I am blessed enough to start something of my own.
Hailing from the computer science background, I never thought of starting my blogging journey. But after college, I joined a digital marketing company as a content writer, and the rest is history.
In my first job, I got introduced to the digital world, which gives me access to pursue my dream. If you can think well, write well, the online world provides you a huge opportunity to be a digital entrepreneur.
I learned WordPress, Digital Marketing, various tools such as Moz, SEMRush, etc. to start my journey as a professional blogger. The fascinating part of blogging is, the deeper you go, the more interesting it becomes.
With time, writing has become my passion and now I am a published author on many other popular websites such as Thiveglobal, Yourstory, Buzzfeed, Yourtango.
- How does your company innovate?
For me, innovation is solving others’ problems with some unique solution to ease their life. And at Morning Lazziness, we are doing so.
When we talk about health, lifestyle, relationship, etc., it may seem very common and simple. But these topics directly affect one and individuals. Every individual is a unique case study if we read their life carefully. But who else has time to read other people's lives? But if we take a part of their life which can be a similar problem for others life, people will listen to them and try to take their experience as a solution.
This is where Morning Lazziness comes into the picture. Morning Lazziness is actually trying to share the experiences of a huge bunch of experts who share their experiences and expert advice for a better lifestyle, health, relationship, food, entrepreneurship, business, etc.
When I realised this problem, while working, I started a blog - a simple yet effective solution for the addressed problem.
Last year, in 2020, when I lost my job at the time of the pandemic, I got an opportunity to work on it full time. Initially, it took a while, from contacting the right expert writers to address the right problem but I have managed to get 500+ good experts now. As a solopreneur, one needs to go through every hurdle “alone” initially.
“A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step.”
I strongly believe in the above statement. While executing Morning Lazziness, I have also started with a single category- that is, sex & relationships, but slowly-slowly it grows. Now from taking interviews of the famous women-entrepreneurs to sharing business & leadership tips, giving home decor ideas, to talk about healthy eating, and parenting ideas, we have multiple categories.
Morning Lazziness has become a one-stop to get the solutions about every other general topic which directly affects individuals.
- How does the coronavirus pandemic affect your business finances?
Well, every business has ups and downs; it depends on the nature of business & mode of operation.
As I discussed earlier, Pandemic brings more opportunities for digital entrepreneurs actually. There was a lockdown everywhere, so the usage of digital platforms got a boost.
I would be thankful for having skills in the digital marketing sector. In the coming days also, people will use digital platforms more and more.
- Essential tools every blogger must be aware of? I personally relied on-
- Grammarly- improve your writing, detect plagiarism, Make Your Writing Clear and Engaging.
- Semrush- best website analytics tool, suggest Keywords, scan the website, show organic traffic.
- Ahref- Keyword research, competitive overview, traffic analysis.
- Social Media - The best way to get connected with your target readers and writers.
- Your final thoughts
The one piece of advice I would like to give is to follow your passion; these days, the young millennial is confused about which path to choose and look for the shortest path to get success.
First thing, success doesn’t come overnight; one needs to work harder, to fulfill their dreams and goals. You need to be consistent and be ready to come out of your comfort zone to achieve your goals. Think Big, Work Hard and try to create an impact in the long run.
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