Saluting Translation Professionals - International Translation Day with a lens of Numerology
This is perfect day to numerologically to mark and pay respect to translation professionals across world for their beautiful contribution to make the idea of connected society by breaking the boundaries of graphical communication i.e., languages I salute each translation professionals across globe for their wonderful contribution to society.

International Translation Day is an international day to recognize and thank translation professionals for their excellent contribution to humankind.
International Translation Day is celebrated on September 30 every year. September 30 was chosen as International Translation Day since it is the day of the feast of St. Jerome (342/347 – 30 September 420, the Bible translator who is considered the patron saint of translators.
About St. Jerome
St. Jerome was a priest from North-eastern Italy, who is known mostly for his endeavor of translating most of the Bible into Latin from the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. He also translated parts of the Hebrew Gospel into Greek. He was of Illyrian ancestry and his native tongue was the Illyrian dialect. He learned Latin in school and was fluent in Greek and Hebrew, which he picked up from his studies and travels. Jerome died near Bethlehem on 30 September 420.
In 2017, UN passed a resolution declaring Sep 30 as International Translation Day to salute their role in connecting nations on world arena
Lens of Numerology
From the lens of numerology, there are two important pillars in this journey of International Translation Day
Two Important Pillars
- Day on which resolution was passed i.e., May 24, 2017
- Day on which the day is celebrated (Sep 30)
Let us first look at the numerological parameters of May 24, 2017
The birth number for this date is 6 (24) ruled by the planet Venus which is number of masses and people. Venus also rules the connect of king/governance with the public at large. This Venus was present in zodiac of Gemini (5) and the day of week was also Wednesday (ruled by 5), both these number 5s are ruled by Mercury which is by default number of communications between two systems. The expedition of communication and pace is governed by Mercury itself.
The destiny number for this day was 3 (from the compound of 21), symbolizing growth and enhancement of knowledge with support of emotional empathy. In the segment of translation, it is essential to be emotional to be able to understand and read behind the lines of words and be able to communicate the emotions and feel of native speaker.
The translation professionals carry a big responsibility of communicating the message of other person in original form and essence to help in connecting to masses.
The presence of 24 in date, wherein number 2 is ruled by Moon which is primary driver for our emotions and feelings, and the number 4 is ruled by Rahu dev which is primary ruler for expansion of thoughts. The date of 24 is supporting the expansion of thoughts and emotions by translating the work into multiple languages.
Further deep diving into this date, the universal year number is 1 (2+0+1+7) which symbolizes an emotional connect to drive the leadership. The UYN is also supporting expansion of reach of governance to masses.
Now, moving our journey to Sep 30,
Sep 30 is a day wherein its birth number is 3 (from the series of 30) and in the zodiac of Libra ruled by Venus.
The presence of ‘30’ in day is symbolizing growth of knowledge and languages beyond the boundary. As I often mention, ‘0’ is a number which is hero of numerology and is often responsible for growth beyond the boundary or out of box growth. The number 3 ruled by Jupiter is responsible for knowledge, intellect, and relationships, this is apt day to salute translation professionals for their contribution in enhancing the knowledge of public (ruled by Venus) at large with help of their skill.
The number 3 is also an ambassador of number which talks about tolerance and patience to accept new along with the old traditions. The new translation do not impact the original work, rather it created an additional touch point for public (ruled by Venus) to enhance with piece of work in a language one is able to understand.
This is perfect day to numerologically to mark and pay respect to translation professionals across world for their beautiful contribution to make the idea of connected society by breaking the boundaries of graphical communication i.e., languages
I salute each translation professionals across globe for their wonderful contribution to society.