Pamper your Heart with Personalized Sound Therapy with Sidhharrth S Kumaar
'Prevention is better than cure’; this age old saying holds true in every aspect of life even today. The cost of cure is always high and often irreversible for you and your loved ones. This World Heart Day, take pledge to adopt personalized holistic wellness program and gift your family a protection bond.

World Heart Day is observed globally on September 29 every year. As per the WHO, World Heart Day is crucial as cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the world’s number one killer, resulting in 18.6 million deaths a year.
In these current times of COVID, people living with CVD are more prone to developing severe forms of the coronavirus.
Stress, Smoking, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity are primary causes of cardiovascular disease.
It is important to pamper our heart by following a holistic lifestyle that promotes our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
World Heart Day with Numerological Lens
Since last many years, Sep 29 has been ear marked as world heart day to increase public awareness of cardiovascular diseases, their prevention, and their global impact.
As per Numerology,
Sep 29 adds to number 2 (2+9 = 11 which further ads to 1+1 leading to 2), this number is ruled by Moon, and which is primary ruler of our mind and thoughts. Quite often mental health concerns such as Stress has been earmarked as one of silent killers and influencing a great deal of CVD deaths across globe.
Furthermore, looking at this date of Sep 29, this falls within the zodiac sign of ‘Libra’ i.e., ruled by Venus (Number 6). Venus is responsible for attraction towards food, life pattern we look at and pampering we deliver to ourselves. Poor dietary choices (luxury diet choices) is another factor influencing CVDs globally
The period of Moon in the influence of Libra is perfect back drop to increase awareness around mental health factors and dietary factors behind this CVDs on the World Health Day.
Practical Tips to Pamper your Heart
Be Happy & Stress Free
This should be our golden mantra to take care of our health. One must keep oneself stress free and be enjoying the present moment.
Sound therapy such as of 528 Hz or a meditation on the music of ‘OM’ can act as ice breaker to keep the person happy and stress free.
One can also use numeric healing codes such as ’13 13 514’ and/or ’05 50 561’ to keep self-relaxed and happy. These codes need to be written on left hand with blue pen on as it is basis
Healthy Diet
Healthy diet is another crucial element to take care of our cardiac health. One must consume proper balanced diet which is rich in all essential nutrients and is personalized as per body energy requirement of person.
Please do note, there is nothing known as panacea; hence one must personalize diet based on lifestyle and life patterns. Furthermore, a suitable analysis of Date of Birth & Name can also help in personalizing diet
One can also use numeric healing codes such as ’31 22 778’ to keep once weight in control. These codes need to be written on left hand with red pen on as it is basis
Do proper exercise daily to keep physical body in perfect order and fashion.
Yoga & Meditation
Yoga and meditation can help person in keeping mental health in check. Many studies have shown that meditation helps in reducing blood pressure and risk of heart diseases.
Personalized Binaural Music
A personalized binaural music based on Date of Birth and Name of person can also be used to promote cardiac health. This can also be used as supplementary to current medical treatment to optimize one’s health
‘Prevention is better than cure’; this age old saying holds true in every aspect of life even today. The cost of cure is always high and often irreversible for you and your loved ones. This World Heart Day, take pledge to adopt personalized holistic wellness program and gift your family a protection bond.
Stay Healthy, Stay Fit