Pronology and its role in Human Life

:: Pronology and its role in Human Life ::
PRONOLOGY, helps us to read the sound vibration of particular name or any word. It is “The universal science of pronunciation or an articulation. It is used to know the actual sound vibration and hidden meaning of that name. Pronology is one step higher to name synchronization according to Birth details of native. Whereas Numerology depends upon the numerical value of a name and Pronology depends on the sound vibration in that name. By a proper combination of Pronology and Numerology, we can make the person's achieve on higher success. At present, it is called as Nameology, the science of words with the vibration of number and sound using in the name.
The universe and the Vedas have given us lot of different subjects like Astrology, Palmistry, Human-Body Science, Numerology and Vastu etc. All the subjects have their own languages and system to read and understand by Horoscope and Numeroscope of native or Vastu map of building or land, like wise today we are using the Name Chart for reading and predicting the life’s success and downfalls of native by alpha-numeric system and sound vibration used in that name. The name itself is capable to achieve the prosperity in human life, if the combinations of number are utilized properly with sound vibration.
Numerology is a divine science to point out the numerical value of a name and Pronology is the universal science of vibration to analyze the sound of that name, So Nameology is the powerful subject having combination of 26 letters of English language and 8 digits (1 to 8 number) to read and to understand the hidden facts of numbers. Each alphabet has different wavelength, sound, colour and character, which can be articulated scientifically in proper manner to get higher success and prosperity in the name. Positive and good sound in name helps to reduce the hurdles in life, but negative and bad sound likely increases the obstacles in life, whereas pronology can only help to examine the good or bad sound vibration in name. A good pronunciation and proper combination of sound and numbers respectively can give us healthy as well as wealthy life. Just need to know the secret science behind it.
For example, the name word of ‘PRASAD’, the numerical value of Prasad is, (using Chaldean Numerology system) 8+2+1+3+1+4=19/1, the number of planet Sun, The Prince of Heaven and The King of Solar System, but the sound vibration of name has different story behind it. The pronunciation is ‘Pr+a+sad’ or ‘Pra+Sad’, while initial letter of name is P, which denotes by number-8, the number of planet Saturn. Second word is ‘Sad’ means sadness, sorrow or trouble. Everyone knows the relationship of Sun and Saturn in human life. So now the real meaning and facts of name word ‘Prasad’ will be totally changed, a person who is living alone with lot of sorrow and struggle in life, no proper support from family and friends. He can have sadness, health trouble and obstacle in life. Numerological meaning of ‘Prasad’ is good, but Pronunciation, the sound vibration of ‘Prasad’ is not good as numbers. So the professional life of name having ‘Prasad’ can be good, but the personal and social life may not be good as much should be.
Another example is to understand the science of pronology, we read the name word of ‘Universe’. It contains two words together ‘Uni+Verse’, here the first word ‘Uni’ stands for ‘One Only’ and the second word ‘Verse’, stands for ‘Sound’. It means the entire universe has one spiritual sound i.e. \ or ‘AUM’ or ‘OM’ and the numerical value of ‘Universe’ is, 6+5+1+6+5+2+3+5=33/6, the master number of planet Jupiter comes to Venus, means the master of spiritual enlightenment and trainer for selfless giving with abundant wealth. The Universe has infinite peace, love and abundant of wealth with spirituality and selflessness, while initial letter of universe is also U, which denotes by number-6, the number of planet Venus, the luxurious life with good health and wealth.
There are lot of examples of sound vibration using in name of word for getting abundant prosperity and wealth. It can also be a reason to get higher success and achievement or living with the hurdles and obstacles in human life.
By knowing and using the secret science of Pronology, someone can reduce the failures in his/ her personal life as well as professional life. The combination of Pronology and Numerology can also provide you prosperity and a happy married life with friendly environment in society. The chances of success can be increased, if someone uses the Nameology, a proper combination of Numerology and Pronology, in his/ her name, it will lead your life to get success with health as well as wealth.
Written by Abhishaik Chitraans