Deciphering Sound Around Us with Ace Numerologist Sidhharrth S Kumaar

Deciphering Sound Around Us with Ace Numerologist Sidhharrth S Kumaar

Have you ever thought that every sound frequencies generated, be it the chirping of birds, honking of vehicles or loud music systems, directly affects our body? Did you know that even when an individual is quietly standing, sitting or sleeping, s/he is constantly emitting certain frequencies to the surroundings? What will be your reaction if you also get to know that these sounds, if used in the right way and proportion, can heal you and do miracles to your mind and body? Surprising, right? This piece of information will change your life - it’ll make you believe that everything around us is as magical as we think of it. Read ahead to know how it can also help in curing Alzheimer’s disease, Autism and even Cancer!

 Since ages, certain frequencies of sound (even inaudible ones) are being used in therapies, to manipulate human brainwaves so as to promote healing of the body and mind. Holistic healers use these frequencies to manipulate and alter human consciousness, induced by shamanic chanting and drum work. Therapies by acoustic methodologies are gaining popularity since it promotes self-healing, within the body. Since ancient times, Solfeggio frequencies have been used to create sacred music like meditation music, etc.. Just as different frequencies can heal physical and mental ailments, certain among them can work by alleviating psychiatric problems like anxiety or depression, if not cure them completely.

 As per the understanding of Pythagoras who discovered the harmonic relationship between different mathematical ratios and various musical chords, daily exposure to music proved to be beneficial for human health. Music is proven to evoke a gush of emotions from the human body, which also helps to flush out different emotions and stabilize the mental state. Instruments such as pan flutes, rainstick, djembe, windchimes, etc. are some of the instruments that are commonly used in sound frequency therapy. Sound frequencies impact the human body and health in several ways, a few of which are as mentioned below:


  1. 40 Hz: used in Alzheimer’s therapy; increases neural response and fights symptoms of dementia.
  2. 174 Hz: a series of tones is used in sacred music, reduces stress and pain.
  3. 285 Hz: helps in the healing of cuts, burns and other physical wounds; also helps in the cellular regeneration in the body, which encourages the body to self-heal, in the event of an injury.
  4. 396 Hz: helps in removing negative feelings such as fear, guilt and transforms them into positive and joyful emotions.
  5. 417 Hz: mainly focuses on removing negative energies such as the ones that are in the surroundings or those born due to past trauma; helps in the dissolution of emotional blockages and activation of the sacral chakra.
  6. 432 Hz: aims at the heart chakra; leads to greater levels of clarity, emotionally and mentally and enhances spirituality.
  7. 440 Hz: leads to cognitive development and activates the third-eye chakra.
  8. 528 Hz: known as the miracle tone or the love frequency, it is closely related to blessings.
  9. 639 Hz: used in therapy which intends to induce positive feelings and in the enhancement of interpersonal relationships; encourages situational awareness and clearer communication practices.
  10. 852 Hz: helps in diverting mind to prevent overthinking and negative thinking pattern.
  11. 963 Hz: also known as the Frequency of Gods or a Pure Miracle Tone, it helps in the activation of the crown chakra and proves to evoke a connection to the source of all humanity; activates the pineal gland and leads to higher spiritual development.


Among these, the frequencies 396, 417, 528, 639, 741 and 852 Hz have been categorised as the Solfeggio frequencies. These frequencies particularly help in the transformation and fixing of broken situations, improving interpersonal relationships, spiritual enlightenment, miracles and DNA repair, liberation from negative feelings, in solving problems and enhancing creative expression. Apart from this, the frequency of 528 Hz is given special attention since it is known to connect with the vibrations and frequencies that are naturally found in the world.


When used rightly, these frequencies have proven to show positive effects in altering stress hormones, autistic sensory therapy, cancer treatment without surgery, enhancing spiritual development, promoting healthy relationships and in decreasing the pain perception. Sound healing frequencies through music therapy have also been used in Stroke recovery therapy, for enhancement of acupuncture and in the hospital settings so as to decrease the anxiety levels and for the promotion of higher morale. In general, higher frequencies of sound are used for healing purposes as an alternative to medicines because lower and vibrational frequencies are usually thought to cause disease, irritation and similar negative effects in the human.


The frequency that an individual usually operates depends on the unresolved feelings and stress levels of the individual. Under normal conditions, an individual resonates with a natural frequency of 65-75 MHz. Lower frequency sounds are generally related to negativity, irritability and can also prove to be psychologically distressing, thus causing an uncomfortable pressure on the eardrums and physical fatigue. This happens because of the fact that these frequencies strife with the frequencies naturally produced by the body. Just as lower frequencies are bound to show negativity in the body, the higher frequencies have shown to heal them. Since sound healing requires energy, it is a type of energy healing. Reiki is one of the great examples wherein energy healing is practised.


Sound Frequency Healing is an evolving art, which has recently begun gaining scientific credibility owing to its miraculous properties. Though researches are still going on, the frequencies will continue to play a big role in the healing process and treatments for an infinite course of time.


Sidhharrth S. Kumar is an eminent Astro Numerologist and Healer. To contact him, visit