We live in the world of colours. Absolutely everything and everyone in this world has colours. Seven colours in particular have special significance as they are associated with light, the rainbow, the energy centres of our body or the traditional chakra system, as they are called. Each of them reflects the frequency or vibrational quality of the energy centres or the chakras. For example, red corresponds to the first or root chakra; orange to the second or sacral chakra; yellow to the third or solar plexus chakra, green to the fourth or heart chakra; blue to the fifth or throat chakra; indigo to the sixth or third eye chakra and violet to the seventh or crown chakra.
The colours not only represent the vibrational frequency, they also symbolise certain physical or emotional qualities reflected through flow of energy in the body. For example, when healers see pink in the heart chakra area it may mean that the person is experiencing strong emotions of love or compassion, or seeing a blue glow around the throat may mean that they are about to express their truth or something significant to them. Use of colours lend an interesting and an effective angle to healing which can complement the traditional methods of treatment. Colour therapy provides additional assistance to stimulate a desired emotional or physiological response in our living environment, or healing work.
Healing with colours opens up a whole new range of options. It allows us to shift from a fixed representation of the chakra system to a variable interplay of the shades of colours that can be used to better support the energy flow in our body. A few chakra colours may purely be related to physical and energetic representations in the human body. The most prominent is red, which sometimes means that there’s inflammation in the body. On the other hand, dark grey spots might indicate a strong deficiency or disturbance in the energy field of the person.
Modern healing methods have associated certain colours with certain body parts. They are :
- Red – Bones, bone marrow
- Orange – Glands, Adrenals
- Yellow (golden yellow)- Nervous system
- Green – Lungs, lung tissues
- Blue – Etheric body, optimal bodily functions
- Purple – Face, skin
Each colour reflects a particular frequency radiating through the chakras.
Colours can be used to address issues or disruption of energy flow for different bodily functions and chakras.
Our brain receives a message when our eyes see colours and it activates certain parts of our brain that assists to stimulate a desired emotional or physiological response. Our mind is programmed with what the different colours signify to our body, just like when we engage in certain actions on a regular basis, like the actual function of walking, our brain goes into the auto-pilot mode and so our active or conscious involvement may not be required to put one step ahead of the other everytime.
So from henceforth, let us see and enjoy all the different colours to the fullest and be ever grateful to Mother Nature for once again being such a great contribution in our lives!