Holistic ace Ms. Mmanisha Sandip M – enriched with skills spanning over a decade – has winningly navigated the path from nearly bed-ridden to victorious energy healer; a woman whose divine dream and an out-of-body experience transformed her life forever. Ajit Ramachanddran shines a light on her inspiring narrative

Holistic ace Ms. Mmanisha Sandip M – enriched with skills spanning over a decade – has winningly navigated the path from nearly bed-ridden to victorious energy healer; a woman whose divine dream and an out-of-body experience transformed her life forever. Ajit Ramachanddran shines a light on her inspiring narrative
If life is a journey, Ms. Mmanisha Sandip M could well be your travel coach. And taking souls on a healing highway to wellness, from unrealised to realised and from unhealed to healed, confessedly, is her calling and mission.
Aching Soul, Unbroken Spirit could well be her life-story, summed up in a nutshell. By her admission, her guardian angels, ascended masters, God and the universe - together with her unwavering efforts - have conspired actively to give her the super life she’s living today: distress-free and meaningful in every sense of the term.
Children, Abled Differently
“Earlier on, I was an educator with the State and International Board. Later, I became an integral part of starting a school for children with learning disabilities. Presently, I’m a Co-founder and Trustee of the school. I was in the profession for more than a decade and being with challenged kids was the best part of it all.”
Nearly Bed-ridden
“In 1997, I was diagnosed with a severe slip disc problem that kept me nearly bed-ridden for almost a year. My Vitamin D count had also gone down drastically and I couldn’t even hold a glass of water properly. I felt terribly hopeless and sad, because I couldn’t even hold my one –year-old son in my arms. Around that time, I had a dream vision of Lord Tirupathi Balaji telling me that I would be able to use my walker and walk on my own right up to the reception counter of the hospital, where I was being treated. Also, I saw myself doing a pradaskshina of the temple, lying down and rolling on the floor of the temple, something that I had never dreamt before.”
Deftly Divine
“Believe it or not, the very next day, I was able to walk right up to the hospital reception counter, all on my own, using the walker! I called up my mother from the landline phone to tell her the good news. I also told my late husband to donate a certain amount of money to the Balaji temple at Tirupathi. In 1999, I did manage to go to the Tirupathi Balaji temple. I remember, my son had high fever and was vomitting too, from time to time. It was as if Lord Balaji was testing my resolve. I left my son with my husband, who passed away recently, and went ahead to the Tirupathi temple. And I completed the pradakshina, like I had seen clearly in my dream.”
Enter The Angels
“The angels entered my life majorly when I was almost bed-ridden, the second time around in 2012. I was going through a very low phase, emotionally and physically. At that time, I was advised by my doctor to go in for a surgery, which I was not prepared for at all. I remember, I was lying on my bed and I fell asleep. But I felt that I was in a different realm altogether! I was partially awake, though. I could hear some words and was being guided to do something, which I thankfully remembered once I woke up.”
Soothing Shock!
“The very next day, my friend gifted me a book on angels. I was pleasantly shocked, when I saw the cover of the book. It was exactly what I had seen in my semi-sleep state! When I started reading the book, it was as if each and every word was speaking to me. My connection, and belief in angels has grown stronger with them, ever since. Slowly, I began to notice that my health improved, I became more confident in my skin, more expressive and more accepting of myself. Self-respect and self-acceptance assumed a new flavour for me, and I felt that I was falling in love with myself each day. Today, I feel the presence of angels actively in my life and get spiritual downloads from them regularly, which serve as guidance for me.”
Out-of-body & Back!
“One afternoon, in 2012, I was half-asleep. For a moment, I felt as if something had been pulled out of my body. And then, I could actually see myself lying on the bed and talking to my own body! It must have been for a few moments. And then I felt a sudden big jerk in my body and I was wide awake. But after that moment, I felt so positive and energetic that I could actually get to make a cup of tea for myself without any kind of pain or heaviness in the body. Later, I remembered the words spoken to my own body were “New Life”. I was amazed and shocked as to how matters were shaping up in my life, after that experience. The jerk that I had experienced was the out-of-body experience, wherein my soul had left my body and then came back to it, refreshed with new life. Incidentally, it was the same day that the book of angels was gifted to me. I realised then, that I was on the path to healing, slowly and positively.”
Magical Dust & Inner Temple
“We are dust and to dust we shall return. But we also have a “magical dust” within us, within our “inner temple” which is truly a sanctuary of divine light and love. Once we tap into that energy with faith, magic and miracles will begin to unfold in our lives. Actually, every being is meant to use the power within, but we have been so lost in the external chaos, that we have lost touch with it. Once you understand and accept your own magic, it’s a complete surrender and nothing that the world thinks of you matters. It is a way forward towards self-growth and ascension, without getting entangled into the outside forces of judgment and criticism.”
Energy Access
“I’m clairvoyant, clairaudient, a numerologist, graphologist, angel card reader, EFT practitioner, and I do divination by runes too, apart from creating healing through Mandala patterns, crystals, coaching, Chakra healing and alignment. There are other modalities such as mediumship and automatic writing, dowsing, colour therapy, access bars, sound therapy and some others too.”
Pranic Healing Vs. Energy Healing
“Energy healing is very different from Pranic healing, which is connected to the universal Prana energy from the “Source” or God. While energy healing is all about clearing and cleansing the aura or the bio-energetic field around a person, which is essential to attract and allow higher vibrations into your life. My USP as an energy healer is that my clients end up being my extended family because of the trust and faith that they have placed in me, over the years.”
Inner Child Wounds
“I would say that a sizeable percentage of problems and issues that people face in life, are due to unhealed ‘inner child wounds’. And they can manifest in unhealthy behaviour patterns that keeps the person affected in a vicious, never-ending and repetitive cycle. This keeps them anxious, tense and depressed and because most of these people have not identified these painfully wrong patterns of behaviour, they have not been able to correct and rectify matters in their lives.”
Wound Unveiled
“A good instance of an inner child wound case was that of a severe alcoholic, that came to me. On a video call, I tapped into his energy and found that he had a deep history of abuse and neglect from his own family that was perpetuating his alcoholism. Once it was identified, he was able to get great results from his healing sessions. It’s been two years since, and he says that if he drinks now, occasionally, it doesn’t feel the same at all. He’s on the road to recovery and a better life ahead.”
Holistic Secrets
“Stop wearing masks to prove something to yourself. Accept your mistakes, learn from them and stop brooding over them. When you are more accepting of yourself, you will not give your power away to external forces of the world. And so, you won’t start feeling powerless, frustrated and irritated. I believe the biggest mantra is to ‘Love Yourself, Accept Yourself.’ Regardless of your situation, major life issues are tackled once you adopt this, because where there is no comparison, there is no competition. And that outlook will certainly help you to lead a fulfilled life.”
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