Famous TV Actress Alefia Kapadia @ Imperial College, Bargarh in Ru-Ba-Ru

This year the fresher’s party “Ru-Ba-Ru” of Imperial College, Bargarh got very special as Ms. Alefia Kapadia graced the event virtually. When she came live, the Imperialians cheered for her and were very excited to ask question.
She shared her success story, her amazing bike expedition journey and lastly guided the students on what real success is, “it’s when you feel inner bliss”.
The smiles on their faces says it all how they loved the interaction with Alefia. Many strike poses for virtual selfies with her and she was so kind to pose from her screen too and students wished to see her in person.
The freshers took the opportunity to showcase their talents. From dance to dramas to music, the Ru-Ba-Ru 2021 was high on energy, enthusiasm and fun.